Re-Design of CollectorsCurrency Web Page

We employed the services of Master UK Web Designer , Jason Stanely to improve our web page , here is what he did for us :-

Redesigned the site. The only thing that remains really is the two column layout. The color scheme is far more neutral. Furthermore the content starts at the top of the page instead of half way down it.

I have simplified the navigation greatly. Navigation now consists of 3 buttons at the top and 2 buttons on the right. I have also added a facility for you to add collections into the right sidebar. For example. If you would like to offer a discount on a group of items. You can create a ‘March Specials’ collection and add items to this collection.

I also built a custom search feature. It just works far better than google custom search and people will be more able to find what they are looking for.

I have also made a major change to the way that countries display. It is far more ordered and easy to use.

The final big alteration is that you can now view single items by clicking on the title. This allows you to add a description and really sell it to the customers. I believe one of the reasons for the lack of the sales has been the lack of information about various items.

We hope now that our pages are easier for banknote collectors worldwide to deal with and improve sales .

Best regards

Bruce Tupholme

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